Article: The beginning

The beginning
We recently started using oils as a family. With Kalei and Kili, I found that using oils has helped them with their colds, teething and sleep.
I started using oils for Kalei when we would catch a cold. We tried to avoid giving him over the counter medicines but didn't explore all of the essential oil companies. I was afraid and felt like it was a "scam" that I would get stuck into subscribing to something.
I'm not going to lie, it took a while for me to get into a good routine of using them regularly. I'm lazy. I have enough going on with the two kids, running a small shop and working full time. I thought, I don't have time to mix oils and make my own blends.
That's where being a small shop owner led me to Jo from Hui Aloha Aila and Ashley from Gold Shop Society. I watched their videos and they made it look so easy to incorporate oils into their daily lives. It also helped that they both sold ready to use blends!
Needless to say I finally took the plunge and signed up! I am so glad that we did! I thought it was going to cost me an arm and a leg...
Want to join us on our oil journey? Sign up here.
Our Journey
Prior to 2018 - Used Oilogic Stuffy Nose & Cough and Slumber & Sleep from Target
January 2018 - Gifted Doterra Blends
April 2018 - Purchased Helfpul Baby Blends and Diffuser Bracelets from Hui Aloha Aila
May 2018 - Purchased Baby Bum from Gold Drop Society
June 2018 - Enrolled with Doterra - we started with the Family Essentials Kit and Beadlets kit.